
Hummingbird ~ Symbol of Joy

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Highway 109 ~ a tear in your eye, in a good way!

A drunk man in an Oldsmobile
They said had run the light
That caused the six-car pileup
On 109 that night.
When broken bodies lay about
And blood was everywhere,
The sirens screamed out eulogies,
For death was in the air.
A mother, trapped inside her car,
Was heard above the noise;
Her plaintive plea near split the air:
Oh, God, please spare my boys!

She fought to loose her pinned hands;
She struggled to get free,
But mangled metal held her fast
In grim captivity.
Her frightened eyes then focused
On where the back seat once had been,
But all she saw was broken glass and
Two children's seats crushed in.
Her twins were nowhere to be seen;
She did not hear them cry,
And then she prayed they'd been thrown free,
Oh, God, don't let them die!

Then firemen came and cut her loose,
But when they searched the back, 
They found therein no little boys,
But the seat belts were intact.
They thought the woman had gone mad
And was traveling alone,
But when they turned to question her,
They discovered she was gone.
Policemen saw her running wild
And screaming above the noise
In beseeching supplication,
Please help me find my boys!
They're four years old and wear blue shirts;
Their jeans are blue to match.

One cop spoke up, They're in my car,
And they don't have a scratch.
They said their daddy put them there
And gave them each a cone,
Then told them both to wait for Mom
To come and take them home.
I've searched the area high and low,
But I can't find their dad.
He must have fled the scene,
I guess, and that is very bad.
The mother hugged the twins and said,
While wiping at a tear,
He could not flee the scene, you see,
For he's been dead a year.

The cop just looked confused and asked,
Now, how can that be true?
The boys said, Mommy, Daddy came
And left a kiss for you.
He told us not to worry
And that you would be all right,
And then he put us in this car with
The pretty, flashing light.
We wanted him to stay with us,
Because we miss him so,
But Mommy, he just hugged us tight
And said he had to go.

He said someday we'd understand
And told us not to fuss,
And he said to tell you, Mommy,
He's watching over us.
The mother knew without a doubt
That what they spoke was true,
For she recalled their dad's last words,
I will watch over you.
The firemen's notes could not explain
The twisted, mangled car,
And how the three of them escaped
Without a single scar.
But on the cop's report was scribed,
In print so very fine,
An angel walked the beat tonight on Highway 109.
Author Unknown
with thanks to Tina Purplenblue Clowes Kay who posted this on facebook... I could not share and posting was hard so I decided to put it here on the blog.... I just find this poem so inspirational....thank you author unknown. 
On that note, if anyone knows who did pen this beautiful piece, please let me know!  Thank you!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Web of Life ~ Sister Spider Spirals her Gift of Creation

This morning I woke up and enjoyed a special treat courtesy of Mother Nature in the form of Sister Spider.

A beautiful Spider was weaving her web right above my bed!    Now since I am living in such an outside situation (under a Monkey Pod Tree) I naturally have a lot of spiders, geckos and other little creatures around.    When I returned recently after being away for almost 3 months, the spiders had turned my living space into a village!!!!    With regret, I decided I had to reclaim some of my space and clear away some webs.    So I apologized profusely in advance to the Spider Nation, got a stick and carefully removed some webs, taking extra care to put the spiders and “cribs” outside amongst some lovely Hibiscus bushes.  
I suppose Sister Spider decided to just re-build.    I have watched her before of course spinning her web but I have never watched this closely or this long...over an hour.    I lay in bed spellbound as Sister Spider (I have posted a photo above, the Hawaiian Garden Spider) started from the outside of her web and carefully moved around and around the circumference of her large web towards the center.     I was fascinated as I saw that she used two of her eight legs to steady her body as she moved and spun her web.   I realized that the silky thread that is the substance of the web comes out of her “derriere”.... and she then uses her two back legs to cross it over from one side to the other whilst at the same time using her two front legs to weave also.   Then she uses two more of her legs to weave in between seemed like a system:  deposit thread, weave back, weave front, weave middle ...all whilst moving!  
I pondered how intricate her system is... how one little mis-step would result in a mistake, how even the most complicated computer probably could not move the way she does or accomplish her result!   Have you ever seen a machine that has eight legs and makes a gorgeous, strong, efficient, workaday piece of art?     No, nor have I!  
I was stunned to observe too that as she moved and wove, the whole web, including her, was bouncing up and down...moving I considered at least an inch and a half to two inches in each direction; yet she did not stop spinning or miss a step!  My mind boggled as I thought of the human equivalent of that.....& envisioned a human being spread eagled on a “cirque du soleil” trapeze apparatus & figured the equivalent would mean moving 6 feet in either direction based on the same ratio whilst at the same time knitting with hands and feet!!    The mind boggles! 
And she was fast!    I mean she moved around so fast.   I knew this because after she had finished I watched one of her smaller siblings (at least I liked to think it may be her sibling) who was not as big.    She moved slower, though she appeared to have the same system.     When Sister Spider reached the center of her web, she spun almost ferociously for a few seconds and then took up the position as shown above.... a perfect cross to the four directions!   Then she was motionless.     
And then I had an “aha!”  moment.  She was moving anti clockwise.   So did her sibling.      Of course .... because Spider is in tune with Mother Earth and goes in the natural direction of creation.  
In our Western culture, things are made to move clockwise.  Clocks go “clockwise” but Mother Earth’s natural intuition is to go counter clockwise.    Myth and knowledge have it that the current clockwise direction of Mother Earth is the result of interference of men & other beings not in tune with the Existence and Universe.  
I am grateful to be part of a Hula Halau for the last 10 years.    A couple of years ago, my Kumu Hula, Puna, who had asked us all to stand and to “umis” ,  (circles with our hips) said.... women always circle backwards while men will automatically circle their hips forwards... it just is!  
When the Shift happens soon Mother Earth will return to her natural rotation of anti clockwise - ahh!
Of course all the indigenous peoples of Mother Earth know this.    The ones who have been keeping the knowledge for us for the last 2000 years, the Hawaiians, the Native Americans, the Aborigines, the Maoris, the Kogis and Maya in South American to name but a few.   
The Lakota Native Americans call Spider “Iktomi”  and have great respect for her.      Spider is the creative force... she “creates”, weaves her web.   Some Native Americans tribes attribute Spider as being  the One who taught humans how to write.     
Spider creates a work of art each time with her web and so her message is for us to do something with our creative energy:  paint, write, dance, express yourself, let your creative juice flow!
The other message Spider carries (and each of us needs to tune in to check which is appropriate for us)  is to notice what is on the outskirts of your “web”, your space...  is there something/someone/some issue that you have not noticed?      
While I was watching Spider this morning I was enthralled and happy.... I realized how harmonious and grateful  I felt just allowing Spider to give me the gift of watching her weave..... and then I suppose I felt the urge to use my creative energy and write!    
Mother Earth is constantly creating, nurturing, loving.    When the Shift happens, the Spiral of Mother Earth will be back as it was before.  Mother Earth weaves the web of life; Spider reminds us that we can too.      I am grateful to Mother Earth and Spider for this wonderful reminder.   
With acknowledgement and thanks to Jamie Sams & David Sams’ Medicine Cards for the information about Spider.
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I give intuitive readings using Medicine Cards.... visit my site for more info:

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Light is Increasing on Planet Earth ~ Latest Message from Matthew

I have been following Matthew for a few years now.... I find Matthew's information always to be uplifting, truthful and of the light and heart.   Matthew was born in 1962 and died in 1980 in a car accident.    In 1994 Matthew came through to his Mother, Suzy and started giving information about our planet, heaven, our history and more.     You can read about it on Suzy's site (link below)  Recently Matthew has been coming through every month to give updates on the status of Planet Earth:    

Message from Matthew
July 11, 2011
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew to share our elation about happenings in your world. A week ago the United States celebrated its Independence Day, and like other occasions in that country and significant times in many others, fireworks are part of the celebrations. What we are seeing can be equated with the most spectacular of your fireworks displays as innumerable sparkling lights constantly are shooting out from Earth into the heavens—this brilliance is a most exhilarating and heartening sight to behold!
No longer slumbering unawares, myriad souls are responding to the intensifying light along Earth’s ascension route into increasingly higher vibrations and new alignments with other celestial bodies. Now in concert with all other lightworkers—you who know that you are and the many millions who do not yet identify themselves as such—these new “sparklers” are radiating their light to all persons around them.
Before we proceed along that line, let us speak a bit more about the United States and its intended significance on a global scale. The framers of the document proclaiming that this land was a nation independent of British political rule did not realize that they were acting upon God-given inspiration and not only their own convictions about the rightness of their actions. The higher purpose of that inspiration to unite the colonies was to create a nation where unlimited opportunities greeted peoples from all countries, a land where differences not only were respected, but encouraged for the benefit of all. The United States was to be the country where the combined skills, talents, resourcefulness and innovative ideas of all its residents would prove to the rest of the world that under wise and fair governance, free peoples live in harmony and prosperity.
However, it was but for a fleeting instant, historically speaking, that the citizenry of that nascent country were free. The aim of the Illuminati, which had built the British empire, was to increase, not decrease, their bases of influence, and the injustices that gave rise to the Revolutionary War simply went underground, so to say. From the time that the first disparate groups of colonists landed anywhere in lands called The New World, those who were of dark heart and mind and later came to be called the Illuminati wanted to control the western continents, thereby widening their highway to world domination. Because God must honor Creator’s law of free will, the free will of those dark ones prevailed and the beacon for the rest of the world that the United States was intended to be never “came to light.”
Only now, more than two and a quarter centuries after the signing of the Declaration of Independence, is freedom actually going to be achieved in the United States and all other countries. As the light revealed the darkness that was perpetrated and perpetuated by the Illuminati, it also has focused world attention on peoples long oppressed by dynastic and despotic rulers. When Earth reaches the threshold of her Golden Age at the end of your next calendar year, every soul on Earth shall be free, and the growing numbers of lightworkers are leading the way.
With joy we tell you that among the new “sparklers” are defectors from the ranks of the Illuminati who “saw the light” and with enthusiasm embraced it. Although others who left did so for self-serving reasons—seeing that the Illuminati is in its death throes, they want to appear as never having been associated with that group—the results nevertheless are positive: No longer are those persons deterrents in areas where formerly they stalled or prevented reforms, and they may become receptive to the light.
Peak members of the Illuminati who are not yet willing to accept that their power has eroded beyond any possibility of recovery still wield enough influence to slow but never halt the progress of the light forces. Also many good souls still are stuck in third density mentality, oblivious to the reality that they chose to actively participate in this era that is unprecedented in the universe.
It is fervently hoped that all souls will welcome the light as old systems give way to the new and our space family assists you in restoring Earth to her original health and pristine beauty. However, every person has the free will to receive the light, which they chose to do in their soul contracts, or to repeat this lifetime’s experiences in some other third density world.
Regardless of how many become enlightened about their true selves as inseparable aspects of God and all other souls, the long ages of duality in your civilization are almost over. The dominant masculine energies that kept war, brutality and ruthlessness surging through millennia are being balanced by the inundation of feminine energies, and within balance there is only light.
Now then, it is immensely gratifying to us that lightworkers who once were distressed by the delay in official recognition of our universal family no longer need that as proof that Earth’s ascension course is steady and apace. The optimal time has not yet come for a public announcement about other civilizations, especially that some of them have been in your midst for years, or for landings of the crews whose crafts are surrounding the planet. At this juncture, a primary consideration is the many people who have not completely experienced the third density karma they chose. In the excitement of working and living with extraterrestrial brothers and sisters, those people could veer from their karmic path and miss the opportunity to evolve into fourth density.
We don’t know when you and your benevolent brothers and sisters will greet each other, but each passing day brings that grand time closer. In the meantime, you can feel joyous about progress in other important avenues.
Although the recent dust storm in Arizona was manmade, incidents of technologically-produced weather have been seriously reduced in number and scope. This is not to say that attempts have not been made or that any future efforts will have no effects whatsoever, but none of the most devastating events of recent years and months will be repeated. Mother Earth will release the remaining negativity in ways that achieve that end without those kinds of severe repercussions.
And, in most areas where formerly chemtrails were prevalent, the skies now are clear. When some of the pilots, mechanics and others involved in those flights learned the true purpose of chemtrails—the toxic payloads were not to compensate for the hole in the ozone layer, but rather to sicken people and pollute air, water and land—they refused to continue working. Others who did know the truth participated willingly in return for handsome payment, but as funding dried up, they also left their employment. However, the most decisive factor in this situation is, some individuals who had ordered or financed the flights are among those who embraced the light, and those who want to keep chemtrails crisscrossing your skies have lost almost all means to do so.
It may appear that the light and the dark are at a stalemate in many other areas where dramatic changes are essential, such as governing bodies, national economies, environmental destruction, pollution, disparity between the wealthy and the impoverished, and victory for freedom fighters in countries where the peoples have been long oppressed. Relatively speaking, only a handful of individuals can bring about the ending of chemtrails and lessen diabolical use of technology, but reaching major international goals requires the involvement of many millions of your populace. While there is indeed very significant progress, much of it going on behind the proverbial closed doors, success on a global scale comes incrementally and more slowly than situations that can be quickly stopped or noticeably diminished. As Earth’s journey in the coming months takes you into ever higher vibrations, you shall see more and more evidence that everything based in dark intent is meeting its end.
A measure of the light’s progress that is known perhaps only to the affected persons is the many telepathic connections that are opening. We remind you that both light and dark entities are eager to reach you; protect yourselves with the Christed light and insist that only light sources may contact you. [You can use the search and index features on Matthew’s Messages page in to locate more guidance relating to telepathic communication.]
Although diverting attention from significant happenings still proliferates mainstream media and entertainment venues, cracks in those forms of mass mind control are becoming obvious to illumined minds. Disinformation on the Internet continues to be passed on by unwitting persons, so be ever more discerning about which information is true and which is not, and above all, do not go into fear about anything!
As an example, the celestial body your scientists named Elenin doesn’t pose an iota of danger to your planet! This is another attempt to promote widespread fear by disseminating “leaked” information under the guise of “governments withholding information.” Although that does imply that you cannot rely upon your leaders to tell you about impending danger, the intent is insidious: Be fearful!
Mother, for readers who may not understand the full effects of fear and how it holds people captive, please locate the passage about that in one of the books and insert it here.
The energy of fear forms a barrier between the feared object or situation and the energy of light, thus neither the light in the souls of fear-filled persons nor light sent to them from any other source can reach their consciousness to dispel the power that fear holds over their lives. The barrier acts like a prison wall, isolating persons within their fears and offering no way out. Furthermore, fear is such a magnified emotion that it strengthens the barrier’s energy blockage and intensifies the force of whatever is feared.
And, fearful persons keep creating more fear-filled circumstances to deal with. Through the universal law of attraction, or “like attracts like,” the energy streamers they send out attract “like” streamers and bring those back to the originating sources.
Not only is fear is wildly contagious, but due to its magnified power, fear sensation streamers have sticky edges that attract the kinds of energetic interactions that omit common sense, rational thought, sound judgment and wise decisions. Fear is so insidious that it can convince persons that the only way to escape is through portals that lead deeper and deeper into fear, and sometimes into darkness. Fear is the forebear of prejudice, tyranny, greed, bellicosity, deception, dishonor, hatred, and torturous treatment of helpless animals—all of those characteristics and behaviors arise from psyches that are twisted and tormented by fear.
Every physical form is energy fluctuating at one frequency or another and each form sustains itself by drawing in “like” energy. The make-up of ones with dark hearts and minds is fear, so the law of attraction draws to them the energy generated by fearful individuals who unwittingly provide the fuel that the dark ones need to sustain themselves.
Fear also is their most effective weapon against the light, and causing fear is a win-win situation for them. The very same energy that debilitates and holds captive those fearful individuals not only keeps refueling the dark ones, but people who live in fear are easily dominated, deceived and afraid to challenge authoritarian figures whose intentions and deeds are based in darkness.
So fear is potent indeed, but light is the most powerful force in the cosmos and people who live in the light never need to fear anything! What about people who are afraid of death? What you call death is that lightning-fast transition of the soul from the body to Nirvana, Earth’s spirit world that many of you call heaven. In the light of that wondrous realm, people whose past lifetime was marked by fear prepare to be stronger and less vulnerable in their next physical lifetime, the next evolutionary step in the eternal life of their souls.
Thank you, Mother.
The countdown to Earth’s entry into her Golden Age is coming with ever increasing speed as your linear concept of time continues passing faster and faster. Use the remaining time prudently! Acknowledge your god and goddess selves and trust and heed your intuition, your souls’ messages to your consciousness. Let go of trivial thoughts, interests and activities that have no place in fourth density life, where glorious wonders abound.
As long as needed, you will have the assistance of our universal family—light in abundance from powerful sources in this galaxy and others, technological help from the crews in ships in your skies and those soon to be on the ground, and the growing influence of our benevolent brothers and sisters living among you.
As you prepare to take your rightful place as multidimensional beings in the Oneness of All, trust that within your soul is all the information and power you will ever need. No longer will you ask for answers from external sources such as we and other messengers of the light because your innate wisdom of the universal laws and your latent abilities will serve you well. Perhaps you will smile when you realize that the enlightenment and guidance we have offered over the years always has been your own knowledge and all we did was gently nudge it into your remembrance.
Of the many, many billions of souls who wanted to be a part of this most exciting time in the whole of the universe, you are honored to be among those who were chosen. Rejoice in this privilege and responsibility knowing that the infinite, eternal and unconditional love of all light beings in this universe is with you every step of your pathway.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

You CAN make a Difference......

“One SONG can spark a moment
 One FLOWER can wake the dream 
One TREE can start a forest 
One BIRD can herald spring
 One SMILE begins a friendship 
One HANDCLASP lifts a soul 
One STAR can guide a ship at sea 
One WORD can frame the goal 
One VOTE can change a nation 
One SUNBEAM lights a room 
One CANDLE wipes out darkness 
One LAUGH will conquer gloom 
One STEP must start each journey
 One WORD must start a prayer 
One HOPE will raise our spirits 
One TOUCH can show you care 
One VOICE can speak with wisdom
One HEART can know what’s true 
One LIFE can make a difference 
And that difference can be YOU.
Author Unknown   
....and after that one of my favorite pieces:
“She without arm, He without Leg”
wow, they make a difference!