Grandma Millie lived next door to her sister, Sue. They had both been living in these houses since they were young women! Grandma never used the front door that came onto the street. So to get to her house, we would enter through Great Aunt Sue’s front door, walk down the narrow passageway to the back, to into Great Aunt Sue’s back sitting room, where invariably Great Aunt Sue would be sitting in her rocking chair, crocheting. Great Aunt Sue was an amazing Crochet-er and Grandma Millie was a superlative Knitter. I am not kidding! Grandma Millie’s knitting was famous. Every birthday we would receive a new jumper (sweater) or cardigan and it would be PERFECT! She had a gift... she even knitted my Father’s socks! Old fashioned knitted socks... also perfect! So everyone in the family got at least one new sweater a year from Grandma Millie... and every package that came also included - to the children’s utter delight - chocolate & candy. But I digress.

Each sister had these huge houses all to themselves. Grandma’s house always felt rather dark and cold.. not very happy. When I was a child I was not aware of this in a tangible sense.. just that I didn’t like visiting the house. I found out later why Grandma’s house felt that way. Grandma Millie was rather sad. But that’s another story!
The house was 3 stories high.... and wide as it were. The floors were wood, the stairs were wood. It was very simply furnished. And it was spotless! My mother used to say “you could eat off the floor at Grandma Millie’s” and you really could. Every day she mopped the floors including moving all the furniture.... there was no dust under the sofa!! But still, it always felt rather cold energetically (reflecting back as an adult you understand).

The whole back and both sides of the shop were lined with big jars of sweets.... clear glass so you could see the sweets inside..... Yellow ones, red ones, green ones, row upon row. They only sold candy. There were some bars of chocolate and amazing fudge.. but nothing else, just candy! From the time I was very small until I stopped visiting Grandma’s house... it was always the same proprietor. There he would be, behind the counter with his apron on. He always remembered me and always gave me something extra. He smiled and joked... it was a dash of light during those visits.

I would settle down on the floor or bed with that book and just go off into the land of dreams.. the land of the flower fairies!
Do you know the book I mean? It was the original Book of Flower Fairies by Cicely Mary Barker. I loved that book. I would sit for hours marveling at the Apple Blossom fairy and the Columbine fairy and the Sweet Pea fairy. I wanted to be with those fairies! I wanted to fly like them! To fly in amongst the flowers just like in the book... and in my imagination... I did. I would fly with them in the flowers, in the woods, near the streams! Just look at the images of the fairies:
Up in the tree we see you, blossom-babies, All pink and white;
We think there must be fairies to protect you From frost and blight,
Until, some windy day, in drifts of petals, You take your flight.
You'll fly away! But if we wait with patience,
Some day we'll find Here, in your place,
full-grown and ripe, the apples You left behind-
A goodly gift indeed, from blossom-babies To human-kind!
Grandma’s house was in the middle of town and her garden tiny... so I would pass the time lost in the world of Cicely Mary Barker’s fairies.... thank you Cicely!

When my girls were young, I introduced them to Cicely’s fairies too .. and they loved them as much as I. I suppose I still do! As Soon as I started writing about the fairies I couldn’t stop smiling!

And guess what? (for fellow lovers of the flower fairies)... there’s now a whole Flower Fairy website done by Cicely Mary Barker’s estate! (the link is at the bottom of this page). Oh and it’s magical! All the fairies are there! Tinkling sounds accompany every click....

And guess what? (for fellow lovers of the flower fairies)... there’s now a whole Flower Fairy website done by Cicely Mary Barker’s estate! (the link is at the bottom of this page). Oh and it’s magical! All the fairies are there! Tinkling sounds accompany every click....
And so I have put here a few of Cicely’s fairies and leave you with her words by kind permission of her website and estate:
Did you know that in your garden, in every wood, meadow & hedgerow hundreds of Flower Faires work and play caring for flowers and trees?
Whenever a seed is planted, a new Flower Fairy springs to life. Flower Fairies only reveal themselves to those who believe in them. So, leave your disbelief behind and prepare to enter the secret world of the Flower Fairies.
Tread gently now! There may be a Flower Fairy afoot!
Fairy images courtesy of the estate of Cicely Mary Barker

Love love love!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWow!! That is so beautiful. I wanted to climb into those pictures as well. Thank you so much for sharing!! You have such a lovely way of describing things, and even the colours of the ink were just perfect! I truly felt my mouth watering at the mention of apples and the sight of the green ink! Gosh sweeties and fairies, enough to keep any young lightworker sane, even in the darkest of times. Bless your beautiful heart for sharing this story so artistically and lyrically. It will heal so many hearts!! Hope there's much more to come....