As Lightworkers we are called upon every day to help with the ascension of Planet Earth. As most of us are aware (!) it’s no easy job!
Don’t you wish sometimes you might be better off back asleep as you used to be? Just like the greater part of the population of Mother Earth who appear to go about their daily lives blissfully unaware of the energetic struggle that goes on every day? Just thinking about that next vacation or getting married or your child attending college?
No of course not!! It just flashes through our consciousness on those days when we experience the lower vibrating energies close up that...let’s face it.... are coming fast & thick... especially lately.
Ah yes, the quickening has most certainly begun. Remember those days when we used to say “ah, that was rough” that we now fondly look back on and exclaim... “that was nothing compared to now!”

We have all learned through trial and error tips and tools that help us during these times. Often we can call on a sister or brother of our tribe to help but as lightworkers, we know that we ultimately have to realign ourselves with the vibration of harmony & love.
It occurred to me that it’s useful to be reminded of a few of those techniques that can help. So I’m starting this “Tips for Lightworkers” as a small guide.
What might knock us out of our center? ... when we are triggered by something that happens....perhaps an unexpected arrival, a judgement, anger from another, something where we experience hurt, shock, sudden desire, powerlessness, witnessing great tragedy, personal loss. There are many different scenarios that are personal to us that can affect our balance.
When we get knocked out of our center or off balance, the most helpful thing we can do immediately is to ground. Here are a few ways that I find helpful:
- Breathe
Wherever you are, whatever is happening around us, we have the ability to breathe. So breathe... deeply... walk away... close your eyes and take 3 deep breaths and again and again. Keep breathing and move forward to one of the other tools to help.
- Be One with Mother Earth
Lie, sit, BE on Mother Earth. If you are in a place where you can do this, sit lie or be as close as possible on the ground, on Mother Earth. Don’t try and meditate, don’t do anything,.... just allow Mother to cleanse you and then nurture you. I personally find that if I have been knocked out of balance, this takes AT LEAST 20 minutes and preferably a good hour of just BE ing.
- Hug a Tree, a Standing Person
If you can’t actually lie or sit on Mother Earth, Hug a Tree, a Standing Person. Hug first, then after two o three minutes when your breath starts to balance, put your forehead directly against the tree...third eye to the Tree. This is the quickest way to connect with the Spirit of the Tree and Mother herself. This is what the Hawaiians do in true greeting... put forehead to forehead and share breath. The Tree people are amazing in their capacity to nurture our tired spirits.
- Move that Body!

Move to get your energy flowing... go running, walking (fast), cycle, skip, put on music and dance, just MOVE .
Move your arms, your legs and move your head. Shake it out !
(you don't have to jump off a 35 foot waterfall.... this is just to make you go wow!)
- Meditate
okay, so I included meditation... but I have to say this is the most difficult of all the grounding methods when we have just been knocked out of our center. It takes longer. Some of us have meditation practices that are truly our “rock” and we go here automatically .. and that works for us. I find doing one of the other practices first and then meditating works better for me.. but that’s just me!
- Be Kind to ourselves
Oh this is a big one. Don’t know about you but I have a tendency to judge myself... yes still... (I know... haven’t I learned anything yet???) so it’s really important to treat ourselves with kindness, compassion and love when we are in the midst of our “stuff’” or just afterwards. We tell everyone else (don’t we?) that it serves no purpose to judge or be down on ourselves so we need to use those lovely kid gloves and pink light of love with ourselves, just as we would our children.
- Give yourself Time to Recover
Sometimes we can come back within a few minutes to balance & harmony, sometimes it takes a few hours.. or maybe even a whole day. So be it. Perhaps during that time we are integrating something that our darling mind is not aware of... or perhaps the Angels or guides are adjusting some part of our vibration that this “incident” has allowed to uncover... what do we know?
So let’s not expect to jump back up like a member of the baseball team or cheerleading team... let’s practice the wisdom of the ancient ones and give ourselves some time. After all, there is no time.. so it really doesn’t matter!
- Smile
...and when we find ourselves back in that place of harmony and One with Mother and the higher vibrations of life on planet Earth, allow yourself to SMILE ... grin or even laugh at the absurdity & perfection of it all
- Gratitiude
... and finally then as we revel in the beauty of life on Mother Earth, revel too in that wonderful feeling of gratitude and perhaps even do or say something to pass it on.
In the next session I will be outlining a few very specific grounding techniques that have helped me in the past.
Blessings of Love & Light to All
May Harmony, Joy & Love prevail on Earth
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